RHAK Proposals to the Board of Game
2020-21 Regulatory Year
Central & Southwest Region Proposal 28: Remove the resident bag limit of one brown bear every four years in Unit 9.
Statewide Proposal 103: Clarify whether hay and grain are considered as "hunting gear."
2019-20 Regulatory Year
RHAK Region V Proposal - opportunity under predation control program
RHAK Region III Proposal - DC 827 caribou draw permit allocation
RHAK Region III Proposal - DM 809/810/811 moose draw permit allocation
RHAK Region III Proposal - opportunity under predation control program
RHAK Region III Proposal - opportunity for central arctic caribou
RHAK Region III Proposal - units 20 and 19C sheep management
RHAK Region III Proposal - motorized use of Yanert controlled use area
2021-22 Regulatory Year
Central & Southwest Region Proposal 206: Open a resident only early/late season for brown bear in Unit 9.
Statewide Proposal 239: Require all resident registration permit hunts be available for application online (updated for 2020-2021 proposal 152).
Statewide Proposal 241: Remove allocations between guided and non-guided nonresident hunters.
Agenda Change Request Proposal 267: Limit or restrict all nonresident sheep hunting in Unit 19C.
2022-23 Regulatory Year
2018-19 Regulatory Year
RHAK Region I Proposal - remove MBG requirement for black bear
RHAK Region II Proposal - 14C remainder bear baiting
RHAK Region II Proposal - 14C remainder one bear every year
RHAK Region II Proposal - Kodiak registration hunt permits
RHAK Region II Proposal - nonresident hunting in active IM areas
RHAK Region II Proposal - reallocation of nonresident permits
2017-18 Regulatory Year
RHAK Statewide Proposal 1 - 10% nonresident sheep harvest
RHAK Statewide Proposal 3 - Nonresident drawing permit allocation policy
RHAK Statewide Proposal 4 - Nonresident opportunity IM areas
RHAK Statewide Proposal 5 - Draw permit allocation moose
RHAK Statewide Proposal 6 - Remove moose & black bear from list of MBG species
RHAK Region IV Proposal 7 - Unit 9 early resident only season
RHAK Region IV Proposal 8 - Unit 9 remove 1 in 4 requirement for residents
RHAK Statewide Proposal 10 - All nonres sheep hunters to draw only
RHAK Statewide Proposal 12 - Transfer of possession of game meat
RHAK Statewide Proposal 13 - 2DK hunters in same pool as nonresident guided
2023-24 Regulatory Year
2024-25 Regulatory Year
Proposal 100 – Special provisions for Dall sheep and mountain goat drawing permit hunts
Proposal 108 – Change nonresident sheep hunting in Unit 19C
Proposal 192 – Modify the resident and nonresident hunt structure for sheep in Unit 19C