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Resident Hunters of Alaska

Resident Hunters of Alaska is dedicated to enhancing and prioritizing opportunities for Alaskan resident hunters in accordance with responsible wildlife management, focused on preserving our Alaskan hunting heritage for future generations. 

We Appreciate Our Platinum Sponsors!

Tok Air Service
Oso Oosik Media & 6 Figure Outdoor Adventures
All American Training Center
Anchorage Fracture & Orthopedic Clinic
Asher Air LLC
Eagle's Rest RV Park & Cabins
Frontier Outfitters
High Lake Lodge
Igloo Construction
Interior Mobile Welding & Fabrication
Loken Construction LLC
Olson Creek LLC
Porter & Allison Inc CPAs
Pristine Ventures
Rulien + Associates
Soloy Construction
Soloy Helicopters

Alaskan hunters enjoy protections enshrined in our state constitution requiring wildlife management and hunting policies to always clearly favor resource sustainability and the resident hunter. For decades resident hunters have seen their rights eroded as well-funded and influential proponents of nonresident hunting opportunities exert greater control over the harvest, which has led to restrictive drawing hunts for all. Resident hunters have been without a representative voice to bring these concerns to the forefront.


Until now.


RHAK is unapologetically focused on a clear resident hunting priority for our game resources. A resident priority would benefit game populations, improve opportunities for resident hunters, and preserve our hunting heritage for future generations. Alaskans are happy to share our limited wildlife resources with nonresident hunters, but we should never have reached a point where nonresidents are allocated 5 caribou, harvest 60-80% of our sheep in some areas, and split brown bear and moose draw permit opportunities evenly with resident hunters.


With your help, RHAK will aggressively pursue a clear resident hunting priority in our statutes and regulations as our constitution intended. We will carry our message to Juneau, to the Board of Game, to the Alaskan public, and to the courts if necessary.

Resident Hunters of Alaska

PO Box 60095, Fairbanks, Alaska 99706

RHAK Executive Director

Mark Richards (907) 371-7436


© 2025 Resident Hunters of Alaska

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